Saturday, November 2, 2013

General Study Tips

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Amidst the tumult of life for a college freshman, studying can seem almost a small piece in a much larger, intricate puzzle. Whether it be meeting new people, trying ever-so-hard to avoid the dreaded “freshman 15,” or just simply getting acclimated to life in a new place, the school aspect of higher education can, oddly enough, seem secondary. Over my few months at Emory thus far, I feel I have a unique vantage point to advise current and incoming freshman on some ways to study smarter. First off, find a group of friends from class to tackle work in groups. This not only decreases your personal load, say for a project, but also allows you to talk out difficulties you’re having in class with your peers. They may be able to help explain challenging topics, as well as vice-versa; creating a mutually beneficial situation. Second, I would say before big tests or exams, try any practice questions you can find, either online on in your textbook. This tests your memorization, showing the facts you learned in a different form. It also gives you an idea of how the information will be presented to you on the real thing, letting you simultaneously familiarize yourself and be challenged by what you’ve studied. Third, and perhaps most important, is a nugget of wisdom I’ve taken directly from Health 101 this semester: get your sleep! Increased sleep correlates directly to increased academic performance.


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