Saturday, November 30, 2013

Humbert's Best Piece of Advice

I always grew up learning that you have to be decisive and take your opportunities when you can. They are never handed to you. Upon arriving to college, this thought had never resonated with me more. Being given the chance to attend a university is a privilege not many are allowed. Inside of the classroom, working hard could have huge implications for self-growth and knowledge. Outside of the classroom, networking with professionals and teachers, joining clubs, and meeting new people can help broaden your horizons in terms of what interests you. But these are, unfortunately, opportunities wasted by some who view college as a four-year vacation. It is an investment, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you did not make the most of every chance you had. You have to go after it; these rewards aren't going to be reaped sitting back and waiting. Utilizing the plethora of resources at school could literally change your life.


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